In a quart glass jar, cover 1 cup of grain in water, cover the jar, and leave to soak for 12 hours. Drain and rinse the grain, then drain again.
Replace the jar’s lid with something permeable that will allow the water to drain but not the grain. Cheesecloth secured with a rubber band works well. Place the jar upside down in a bowl at a 45-degree angle. This will keep the grain from collecting water and allow air to circulate. Rinse and drain the grains every 8-12 hours.
Every grain takes a different amount of time to start sprouting, but it generally takes 48 hours. When they have tiny white tails sprouting, rinse them and store them in a jar or container with a lid. Sprouted grains can be stored in the fridge for 1-3 days until you are ready to use them. Always cook sprouted grains until they are tender and chewy before using them in a recipe.
This recipe has been reprinted with permission from The Miller's Daughter by Emma Zimmerman (Hardie Grant North America). Photo credit: David Alvarado